Long Life Prayers for Patrul Rinpoche

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche mentioned that our prayers and continuous studies are the best way to support his health and life-force. The sangha of his students has been accumulating prayers for his long life since 2004, starting with the one million recitations of Tsepame Dharanis, as it was suggested by Lopön Tsering Gönpo. More recently Patrul Rinpoche’s root teacher Kyabje Alak Zenkar Rinpoche has advised to accumulate two prayers for his long life: A) 10’000 recitations of the “Sixteen Elders” (Neten Changchö), and B) 1’000 recitation of the “Menla”, a complete liturgy of Buddha Medicine compiled by Mipham Rinpoche. These accumulations were completed between September and November 2020, with the online participation of all students worldwide. Afterwards, Kyabje Rinpoche further advised to accumulate the “Method for the Dedication to Karmic Creditors” 1’000 times, which was done in a single session.
What is going on now ?
For the moment, we continue to accumulate the practice of the “Sixteen Elders” (Neten Changchö) for the long life and good health of Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche. The recitation takes place online. Every Sunday.