Open Doors in Dharma City 2024
Tibetan Culture and Spirituality
You are all invited to discover Tibetan culture and spirituality in Dharma City, in the presence of Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche, Lopön Jampa Norgyal and Lopön Tsering Gönpo.
This year, Mr. Stéphane Lasseaux, mayor of the commune of Florennes, does us the honor to be our guest during these open doors.
Come and discover Tibetan culture
with dances, music, a guided tour and a plenty of activities for all ages.
Have you ever wondered what is behind the thick walls of this old farmhouse?
– a Buddhist temple?
– a tea room & restaurant?
– a study center?
– a BnB?
– a shop ?
– ….?
Yes, it’s all that, and much more!
Our programme on Saturday April 20th
10:00 – Welcome speech
10:30 – Performances of songs and dances from Tibet and the world
11:30 – Guided tour
12:30 – Meal (reservation required)
1:30 p.m. – Workshops and activities: Tibetan dance, Tibetan cuisine, make-up for kids, calligraphy, films, shop, etc.
4:00 p.m. – Introduction to meditation
5:00 p.m. – Chöd practice with traditional instruments
Info & Meal reservation: info@patrulrinpoche.net – 0493 94 95 02
Reservation required for lunch on info@patrulrinpoche.net