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We are very happy to announce a new Study Cycle taught by Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche, with the assistance of Lopön Tsering Gönpo and Lopön Jampa Norgyal. Launched in 2005, this program is an excellent way to understand the “Nine Vehicles”, a gradual approach to...
Featured, News, Reading Room
Welcome to Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche’s YouTube channel – A rich and bountiful collection of Dharma teachings Listen to the recent lecture: Public Talk in Antwerp Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche was invited by Shedroup Tengye...
Articles, Featured, Reading Room, ZPI articles
The period starting from the first day until fifteenth day of this lunar month is known as Chotrul Duchen, commemorating the event when Buddha Shakyamuni performed a different miracle each day to instill devotion and increase merit Celebrating it...