‘Searching for self-liberation’

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche

Don’t miss out

Don’t miss out

Don’t miss out

Powa Retreat in Dharma City
6 – 8 July
Registration is now open

Nangchö Mönlam in Dharma City
12 – 16 July
Registration is now open

Vajrasattva Drupchen in Dharma City
1 – 12 August
Registration is open

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Upcoming Events

The Buddhist Path – Public talk in Namur

The Buddhist Path – Public talk in Namur

The Buddhist path: How can it benefit our society? Public talk by Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche 6:30 p.m. - Welcome 7:00 p.m. – Conference 8:30 p.m. – Tibetan tea offered L’Ilon Seminar Center rue des Tanneries, 1 5000 Namur Free event organized by Dharma City info@patrulrinpoche.net + 32 493 94...

Saturday Meditation Courses 2024

Saturday Meditation Courses 2024

Why meditate? How does it work? How to do it? Even though meditation has become popular nowadays, it can still be difficult to understand how and where to start. This is why we propose these meditation courses in Dharma City - to introduce correct methods that directly relate meditation to our...

Practice in honour of Mipham Rinpoche

Practice in honour of Mipham Rinpoche

 Mipham Rinpoche (འཇུ་མི་ཕམ་) (1846-1912) — a great Nyingma master and writer of the last century, student of Jamgön Kongtrul, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and Patrul Rinpoche. Blessed by Manjushri, he became one of the greatest scholars of his time. His collected works fill more than thirty volumes....

New Adventures

The Words of My Perfect Teacher

A Complete Translation of a Classic Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Patrul Rinpoche makes the technicalities of his subject accessible through a wealth of stories, quotations, and references to everyday life.

Part 1 – Chapter 6
Part 1 – Chapter 4
Taking Refuge
Part 2 – Chapter 1
Part 2 – Chapter 2

Which one is your favourite chapter?

The Power of Vajrasattva Practice

The Power of Vajrasattva Practice

Moving Beyond Negativity

“The hundred syllable mantra is the quintessence of the mind of all the Sugatas. It purifies all violations, all breaches, all conceptual obscurations.
It is the supreme confession, and to recite it one hundred and eight times without interruption repairs all violations and breaches and will save one from tumbling into the three lower realms.
The Buddhas of past, present and future will look on the yogi who recites it as a daily practice as their most excellent child, even in this very lifetime, and will watch over and protect him.
At his death he will undoubtedly become the finest of all the Buddhas’ heirs.”

(The Words of my Perfect Teacher, Patrul Rinpoche)

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“We can free ourselves from any kind of suffering if we understand the true nature of mind.”

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche - Science of True Nature, Wisdom Treasury

Reading Room

Don’t miss out

Don’t miss out

Don’t miss out

Powa Retreat in Dharma City
6 – 8 July
Registration is now open

Nangchö Mönlam in Dharma City
12 – 16 July
Registration is now open

Vajrasattva Drupchen in Dharma City
1 – 12 August
Registration is open

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New Shedra Study Cycle in 2024

New Shedra Study Cycle in 2024

We are very happy to announce a new Study Cycle taught by Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche, with the assistance of Lopön Tsering Gönpo and Lopön Jampa Norgyal. Launched in 2005, this program is an excellent way to understand the “Nine Vehicles”, a gradual approach to the teachings of the Buddha. At the end of the study cycle, students are ready to receive instructions on the Great Perfection, the pinnacle of all vehicles.

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Visit our YouTube channel

Listen to the recent lecture:

Public Talk in Antwerp

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche was invited by Shedroup Tengye Ling, represented by Geshe Tseten Puntsol, to give a public talk on the intermediate states (bardos) in connection with the Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardos.

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